Welcome to Medi Chemic Labs Policy

Thank you for choosing Medi Chemic Labs. We value your satisfaction and want to ensure that your experience with us is exceptional. Please take a moment to review our policies, which outline the terms and conditions applicable to your purchase.

Interpretation and Definitions:

In the following policies, capitalized words have specific meanings as defined below. These definitions apply whether the words appear in singular or plural form.

For the purpose of these policies:

– Company: The terms “the Company,” “We,” “Us,” or “Our” refer to Medi Chemic Labs.

– Goods: The term “Goods” refers to the items offered for sale on our Service.

– Orders: “Orders” represent your request to purchase goods from us.

– Service: “Service” refers to our website.

– Website: “Website” refers to Medi Chemic Labs, accessible at <https://medichemiclabs.in/>.

– You: The term “You” refers to the individual accessing or using our service, or the company or legal entity on whose behalf the individual is using the service.

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